Welcome to our Governors’ section
Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.
Our Governors
So what precisely do we do? We meet as a full governing body at least four times a year, as a small school and governing body we do not have sub committees – all governors attend all meetings with the Chair of Governors chairing all meetings. We attend training sessions organised by FWTSA or GDS on new initiatives. Our main role is to develop the strategic framework within which the school operates and to help determine the character, aims, ethos and values of the school. We govern by developing policies against which the school operates.
Governor Name | Governor Type | Roles/Responsibilities | Term of Office Start Date | Term of Office End Date | Interest Declared |
Paula Holbrook | Chair of Governors | Behaviour, Governor Monitoring, Vision & Strategy, Safeguarding and Finance | 17/05/2023 | 16/05/2027 | No business, financial or material interest |
Sherryll Hitchman | Head Teacher | Head Teacher | 07/08/2019 | 06/08/2027 | No business, financial or material interest |
Rev Tim Phillips | Vicar | Training Lead | 09/04/2022 | 08/04/2026 | No business, financial or material interest |
Emma Garratt | Foundation Governor, Vice Chair | Foundation, PHSE, RSE, R.E., Maths, Science, Educational Outcomes, Finance and SEND | 13/05/2021 | 12/05/2025 | Parent Governor at Ibstock Junior School |
Wayne Reid | Parent Governor | Health & Safety, Website, Data Protection and PE & Sports Premium | 08/11/2022 | 07/11/2026 | No business, financial or material interest |
Fiona Greening | Staff Governor | Wellbeing | 28/09/2020 | 27/09/2024 | No business, financial or material interest |
Tilley Bancroft | Co-Opted Governor | EYFS, Marketing, Art and DT, Music and Anti-Bullying | 16/03/2023 | 15/03/2027 | No business, financial or material interest |
Helen Heath | Co Opted Governor | English, Phonics, History and Geography | 19/09/2023 | 30/09/2027 | No business, financial or material interest |
Jo Lawrence | Clerk to Governors | No business, financial or material interest | |||
Lucy Guilford | Parent Governor | Pupil Premium | 05/09/2024 | 04/09/2028 | No business, financial or material interest |
Robert Laver | Co-opted Governor | Marketing, filtering & monitoring, School profile and admissions. | 05/09/2024 | 04/09/2024 | No business, financial or material interest |
A school functions best when the governing body, Head Teacher and staff work together as a team in pursuit of common values. This doesn’t mean that governors just rubber stamp decisions made by the Head and staff. Yes, the governors do support the school, but our relationship is one of “critical friend” so we also ask challenging questions to enable the school to improve. We monitor and evaluate the work of the school, offering constructive advice, a sounding board for ideas and a second opinion on proposals. We do not interfere in the day to day running of the school, but we do visit on a regular basis, observing lessons, taking assemblies or just to join in with activities, which may be sporting, artistic or scientific, but we do not comment on the quality or methods employed by the teaching staff- that is the responsibility of the Head Teacher.
The school finances take up a lot of our time. Most of the funding is provided by the government comes directly to the school and we often have to make some tough decisions and prioritise our spending in order to achieve the best for our pupils. There is never enough!
Governors’ work can be challenging and demanding at times but it is also very rewarding. If you would like to know more, perhaps with a view to becoming a governor yourself then please don’t hesitate to contact any of the governors or the school directly.
Financial Information
No members of staff have a salary of £100,000 or over.
Governor Meeting Attendance